These days landing in Newcastle, NSW and letting my eyes and ears adjust to
the different patterns and sounds of nature I've been finding
connections. Without intention I have been drawn
to things black and white - shells on the seashore, feathers found and
the striking birds -
Butcherbirds and
Australian Magpies - all black and white and with evocative songs unlike the sounds of birds of a similar size
in Europe.
The textile like patterns of
Zebra Top Shells of two species - with thick stripes
Austrocochlea porcata and thin stripes
Austrocochlea concamerata are strewn along the shoreline amongst many other sea creatures washed up after
the storms earlier this week. Below wing feathers of the
Australian White Ibis - unfortunately found dead below powerlines crossing wetlands along the Hunter River.
My gathering informs my making and drawing explores the connections, more soon on where the lines lead.