You have to admire their persistence!
Mick Ritter and
David Styate of
Round Two Timbers in Hamilton North, Newcastle, NSW
work hard to bring out the beauty of their raw material. Sourced all over the Hunter region their recycled timbers are brought back to life for use in contemporary furniture, interior decor and collaborations with architects, governmental bodies and community organisations. This makes great sense as these
beautiful Australian hardwoods have years of good service in them yet and from an environmental point of view any business that
reclaims and recycles native timbers rather than importing tropical hardwoods is good for everyone.
Buckets of nails and cables -
not to mention sweat - attest to the effort it takes to make old timbers good - but the product speaks for itself - furniture of character and good design sits mid-process in their workshop. Visiting with Anne Kempton of
Timeless Textiles we got down to detail working out possible structures to make weaving with their offcuts possible for the
Deeper Voice of Textiles project. Call me when you get the steam-bender out guys!
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